Hannes Lottering Vs KinderPorn - Selfoon Saga - Vals Aanranding
Hannes Lottering Vs Child Porn
Eerstens `n Stemboodskap waar Hannes Lottering vlug vir die Polisie wat op sy foon wou beslag le. Die SS bewys dat Hannes dus geweet het hulle soek sy foon vir ondersoek.
Nadat daar op Meneer Lottering se foon beslag gele is kom hy na vore en berei sy volgelinge voor vir wat voorle.
Hannes kom weer deur `n `Fake Profiel` en kap verder terug om homself nog dieper in die voet te skiet.
Hannes Lottering jy probeer gate toesteek en skiet jouself alhoe dieper in die voet. Jy se baie duidelik ONS wat dus jouself insluit aangaande die Porn. Verder kan en MAG `n Reservis OP GEEN MANIER VAN DIENS by Polisiewerk betrokke raak nie tensy `n Noodgeval waar hy die Stasie moet kontak en homself aan Diens moet laat boek in die VB. As hulle jou dus gehelp het met ondersoekwerk was dit slegs as PELLE en dus net so skuldig soos jy. `n Ekspert is elkgeval op `n Spesiale vlak en moet elke Jaar of 2 Jaar `n opknappings-kurses doen op daardie GEBIED en sterkte want eers se jy dit kan nie gebruik word nie en dan kan dit weer. Wat Mev. X en Klub 920 aanbetref ontken jy dus dat dit nie so is nie alhoewel jy op die stemgreep juis se dat dit by Klub 920 is waar Leoni GEHOER het.
Tydlyn van Selfoon
Op Vrydag 26 Augustus 2022 om 9:10 PM maak Hannes Lottering `n Live dat die SAP sy FOON SOEK EN HULLE HET `n LASBRIEF OM SY HUIS TE DEURSOEK, HY PAK EN VLUG 200Km terwyl hy in dieselfde asem se dat hy NIE `n PROBLEEM HET OM SY FOON TE GEE VIR FORENSIESE ONDERSOEK NIE.
Hoekom dan VLUG Lottering.
Hoekom het hy dit nie gedoen nie, HOEKOM NIE.
Op 28 September 2022 om 11:58 PM maak Hannes die SKOKKENDE
`n Bom bom ontplof basies nou rondom die foon Sage, so erg dat Lottering selfs die volgende Dag Foto`s plaas van hoe sy TIETTIES GEKRAP is, maak `n AANRANDING SAAK oop teen die SAP Lid en kry selfs `n HOFBEVEL teen die Lid.
Basies `n MAAND nadat Lottering die TOEBEHORE VRYWILLIG sou INHANDIG het hy dit NIE GEDOEN nie en die GROOTSTE VRAAG WEEREENS...
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 11:58 PM
During my trail of the harassment case at Pretoria Central, I appeared as required.
And lo and behold, the disappearing docket made a miraculous appearance. ( you all know of the docket that disappears for two months and then miraculously appears again?)
The very same docket that disappears and then reappeares periodically from time to time..
I need to state categorically that there is only one docket.
The fallacy being put forward by my " learned " friend that there is more than one docket ( in fact four or five dockets) is just that: a fallacy.
I also need to reiterate that MrX is not a party to the harassment case as he is not a complainant.
At best, he might be called upon as a witness.
Now that the disapearing docket appeared again, it would enable my legal team to scrutinise, in open court, all the alleged " evidence ".
( Which was what I wanted all along).
The content of the docket makes for very interesting reading. You might want to follow proceedings.
After one makes a case against someone the investigation officer has to execute a warning statement by requesting the perpetrator to make a warning statement.
I was only requested to make a single warning statement sometime in April this year ( which I did)
Therefore, there is only one case where I allegedly transgressed a court order.
My attorney asked for full disclosure of the single docket to enable my legal team to study the content of the docket to enable us to prepare our defence.
We should have full disclosure of the docket within the next two or three days.
However, we intend making an application to court to expedite disclosure of the docket tomorrow morning.
After my attorney established a date for the postponement of the court date to 12 October, and the date was accepted by the magistrate, my attorney requested permission from the magistrate to be excused.
Upon the request being granted, my attorney excused himself and I left the dock at the same time.
The investigating officer, Detective sergeant Masongo then attacked me by forcing me out of court into a holding cell.
The door of the holding cell was kept open for this purpose.
Sergeant Masongo then proceeded to grab my phone from my shirt pocket.
I grabbed my phone and held onto it.
A scuffle broke out and I then requested Sergeant Masongo to show me the section 205 warrant giving him permission to take possession of my phone.
He waved a piece of paper allegedly being the warrant in the air.
I thereupon requested in the presence of my attorney( still in the holding cell) to read the alleged section 205 warrant.
Sergeant Masongo failed to show either myself or my attorney the warrant.
We wanted to determine if the document being waved about was indeed a section 205 warrant with the correct dates.
This was refused.
Sergeant Masongo then proceeded to exit the holding cell on the other side.
That cell door was then locked to prevent us from following Sergeant Masongo to the prisoner cells in the basement.
My attorney and I then left the court and went down the stairs to the cells in the basement.
It needs to be mentioned that the court was still in session with the magistrate on the bench whilst this commotion was occurring.
When my attorney and I reached the court cells in the basement we found Sergeant Masongo on the other side of a locked gate ( which we could not enter)
My attorney then called Sergeant Masongo to furnish proof of the section 205 warrant to take possession of my cellphone. He refused to heed our request.
At the same time I requested Sergeant Masongo for a receipt for my phone and was informed that it would be furnished at Hercules police station.
Due to the fact that my attorney had another pressing matter to attend to we then decided to meet at Hercules police station at four yesterday afternoon.
Sergeant Masongo ( he was sitting outside the station in a car) refused to acknowledge us or to give us any co-operation and we then requested to see the station commander. Unfortunately the station commander was not available as she had left for home
I then made a case of theft and assault against Sergeant Masongo ( assisted by my attorney)
We received the Cas number depicted below late last night.
It was decided to meet with the Station commander this morning at 8:30 to fill her in on the events that transpired at court.
We then indeed had a very fruitfull discussion with the Station commander which would result in an internal investigation into the conduct of Sergeant Masongo at court.
I do not wish to elaborate on any additional steps we will be taking except that we might have to approach the High court to urgently intervene.
We will also aplly for a harrasment order against Segeant Masongo in the Magistrate court in Pretoria tomorrow.
The reason Sergeant Masonga desperately needs to take possession of my phone is to determine if there is underage pornographic videos of a certain
Mrs. X engaging in prostitution at Club 920.
During our investigation pertaining a harassment case for our defense, 7 Terrabite of video material of an underage female child came into our possession.
We used facial recognition to determine in which sections of the videos Mrs. X appears.
The IT people that scrutinized the videos with Facial recognition soon realized that it was indeed child porn and therefore could not be used in a court of law.
Being police reservists they then decided to hand said underage child porn over to the relevant authorities to enable police to find the perpetrators to enable police to prosecute them.
Apparently the men involved were Indian, Black and European.
I want to state categorically that I have not seen the Club 920 underage porn videos of Mrs.X, I never had said porn and it was never given to me by any electronic means.
I also wish to state that in my attorneys opinion, my cellphone was illegally confiscated by Sergeant Masongo and that there was a breach of the chain of evidence regarding the handling of my phone as it was illegally stolen and any compromising evidence can as such not be used in a court of law.
( But I need to mention here that nothing was removed by me from my phone simply because I do not have any incriminating evidence that can be used against me on my phone)
In any event, if I had any compromising evidence on my phone it can easily be recovered by any half decent IT guy.
I also wish to make it known that I have biometric (fingerprint) , PIN and facial recognition on my phone as security features.
( and having been in court, as a law abiding citizen, naturally my phone was switched off)
I know it is not impossible to bypass all the security features, but good luck accessing the information on my phone.
You guys are going to be busy indeed.
If I do not see a proper and valid section 205 warrant with the correct dates, you guys are not getting the phone unlocked.
Meanwhile, we are all on the merry go round.
Enjoy the victory of having stolen my phone while it lasts.
I can assure you that we are not impressed.
But that, you guys will find out from tomorrow onwards.
Enjoy the following few days.
Message from SAPS. HERCULES ref nr CAS 391/9/2022 was transferred to PRETORIA CENTRAL station contact details: 012-3534000. Details of the new case number will follow soon. Do NOT reply to this SMS.
en daar kom die Tannie se wiele nou heeltemal af na verskriklike
dreigemente / Intimidasie rondom vrae wat gevra was oor sy pos rakende
Hierdie pos is egter nou `n bewys dat daar rede tot kommer is rondom Hannes Lottering en kinderpornografie.
Nogals daaroor gespog ook.
Intimidasie dmv kommunikasie op FB tussen Prokureur en SAP Nasionaal
Ek weet hierdie is `n lang pos met baie skermskote van die begin af oor die selfoon / Kinder pornografie sage maar interessant hoe Hannes weereens ERKEN dat daar PORNOGRAFIE op sy foon was meer die BELANGRIKSTE HOE HY SCHALK UITGELOK HET om goed te se. Sover ek weet is UITLOKKING OOK `N KRIMINELE OORTREDING net soos hy mense tot op `n punt dryf om GEREG IN EIE HANDE TE NEEM, Let ook hoe hy spog dat hy untouchable is en ENIGIETS sal doen om Schalk te ky.... IS DIE CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT MURDER OOK DEEL VAN JOU ALLES MNR LOTTERING.
For a while there I thought that you would not have the balls to go through with it.
But I knew you would.
I know you too well.
I have always had the ability to predict with uncanny accuracy what you would do next.
I always played you like a fiddle.
And there was nothing you could do about it.
I knew that at some stage i would trigger you into making a mistake.
If you could not be triggered by today's posts, i always had plan B and C.
I am glad that you finally took the plunge.
I can now nail your ass to the wall as I never had child pornography on any of my devices.
The SAPS had my cellphone in their possession for more than a month ( including the PIN code. )
If there was any child porn on any of my devices, the SAPS would have charged me by now.
If there was any untoward or illegal activity the SAPS would have either investigated it by now or they would have charged me by now.
Unfortunately for you, I never had any child pornography nor did I ever have any on my phone.
I think that people that engage in deviant sexual behaviour like child porn and making masturbation videos are like animals that cannot control their urges.
If you cannot control your urges, you are not a man and nothing but an animal in the veldt.
The only porn on my phone is your masturbation videos and voicenotes and off course the Miss Fiona from Bishopps school porn that was sent to me by a friend during hard lockdown.
The reason Miss Fionas porn ( only she herself appears in the videos.) is on my phone is because i suspected all along that at some stage my phone would be subjected to forensic examination and how the hell would I explain missing porn then?
That was why I never removed it.
Also, I think you should be made aware that there is an article 205 order on that phone since some fucknut tried to kill me sometime in February. ( the second attempt, no less)
I was informed of the article 205 order in case some fucknut tried to intimidate or tried to kill me.
Due to the fact that I was aware that indeed there was an article 205 order on my phone, I kept my nose and my phone squeaky clean..
Now, you also know why I am not concerned about the content on my phone and you also know why I laughed at you when you persisted in saying that I used fake profiles to slander you or your wife.
I am sure that you are aware that during the time I was in witness protection I could not access social media, yet strangely, the same fake profiles that attacked you during the last year continued doing so.
You should also be aware that the NPA issues all persons in witness protection with a NPA SIM card that is monitored 24/7 and that you may only call ONE person on that SIM card.
Did you not find it strange that the harassment continued unabated by fake profiles even though it was impossible for me to access social media?
I never had any fakes. I set a trap for you regarding the fake profiles and you fell right into it.
( it also helped being in WP to prove that indeed I did not use fakes to harass you)
Believe me, you tend to toe the line once you are aware that the SAPS are listening in on your phone and that they scrutinise whatever you do on social media.
I know that you and your wife are going to prison for a very long time.
I also know that right now, you are like a rabid dog just wanting to bite something.
It would also be extremely difficult trying to keep a relationship going knowing that both of you are aware that the only way to escape a lengthy prison term would be to throw the other partner under the bus.
I suspect that the Van der Merwe household is not fun most of the time.
And then there is me. Sitting pretty, getting on your nerves constantly.
I am untouchable Schalla.
There is absolutely nothing you can do to me.
But I want you know, as God is my witness, I am coming at you with everything I have.
I want to destroy you legally.
I destroyed your character.
I destroyed your hope.
I destroyed your political career.
I made you unemployable.
You lost your kids.
Soon, you will loose both your wife and your house.
You lost everything you had.
You lost your means to make a living..
I made you the laughing stock of social media.
People that held you in high regard, now openly laugh at you.
Now I am coming for the last vestiges of dignity you have.
I WILL destroy you with the same legal procedures you used against me.
It took five years of my life.
Do you want to know why I am going to utterly destroy you in totality?
I will tell you.
You destroyed my character with the pedophile allegations.
You took a lot from me and the people that were close to me.
You hurt those close to me. For that, I WILL destroy you utterly and completely.
I was forsaken by the legal system.
You made me question the police and the legal system.
You made me loose my trust in both.
You made people believe that I was a pedophile and that I had a brown child somewhere.
By doing that you crossed the line.
For that, I WILL destroy you. As God is my witness, I will not eat, I will not rest, i will not sleep.
I will use all resources possible to nail you even if it kills me in the process.
I was civilised up to now.
You have NO idea of the hell you unleashed upon yourself.
Lastly, I want you to know that I changed. I became a person I never wanted to be.
You made a mistake and now you will have to pay the price.
I am not a nice person anymore and sometimes when I look at myself in the mirror I hardly recognise the person looking at me.
You made me detach myself from humanity.
At first, being isolated and removed from people was hard.
But by now, I am used to it.
What should bother me, but does not, is the fact that I actually like being alone.
I alienated everybody I used to know.
I am standing here all alone.
It's just you and me now.
Being alone and devoid of any feeling towards others is liberating.
In fact, I am a firm believer in solitude now.
It's also dangerous. Very dangerous.
But you will find that out soon enough.
May God be with us all in the days and weeks ahead.
We would all be in serious need of the presence and comfort of God during the next few weeks and months.
You finally managed to push me over the edge of civility, morality and decency.
You now have to live with the consequences of your actions.
Ek verneem dat op ander Schalk van der Merwe groepe waar ek nie lid is nie, die onderwerp van bespreking is dat ek Schalk n heads-up gee van waarmee ek besig is.
Duidelik verstaan julle nie hoe tydsaam die regsproses in Suid-Afrika is nie.
Niks wat ek deel of bespreek is iets waarvan Schalk van der Merwe nie reeds terdeë bewus is nie.
Ongelukkig hoor julle net sy verdraaide weergawe daarvan.
Net nou en dan plaas ek die ware weergawe.
Ek plaas dit nie vir julle onthalwe nie.
( in my opinie is meeste mense smart vrate wat net goedkoop vermaak soek)
Ek plaas dit om vir Schalk te wys hoe hy lieg.
Dit maak hom eina.
Die smart vrate se opinies en onetiese gedrag wat die etiese kode van hul professie oortree,( sommige van prokureurs op daardie blaaie skeel my min)
Ek sien dit wel.
Ek gaan egter nie optree teen daardie prokureurs nie maar ek kan as ek moet.
Julle aksies en die innuendo wat julle verskans deur goed te impliseer wat eenvoudig nie bestaan nie om my te probeer diskrediteer is van swak smaak en hoort nie tuis by iemand in julle beroep nie.
Dit is uiters onprofessioneel om daardie tipe poste te plaas in n poging om n persoonlike vendetta te voer.
As ek n voorstel mag maak, sou ek voorstel dat daardie tipe plasings onmiddelik stopgesit word.
Julle laat julself oop vir aksies wat defnitief n invloed kan hê op julle praktyk en op jul professionele beroep.
Ek het klaar gepraat hieroor.
Julle los my uit en ek los julle uit.
Ek wil nie met julle veg nie en julle ook NIE met my nie
Ek gaan egter nie toelaat dat julle poste deur ander gebruik word in n poging om my by te kom nie.
Moenie hierdie as n dreigenent sien nie.
Al wat enige volwassene van julle verwag is om op te tree op n professionele wyse.
Dit wat ek sien, is nie proffesioneel nie en dit doen julle beroep oneer aan.
Ek het sopas verneem dat tot dusvêr Schalk van der Merwe nie verskyn op enige van die sewe Terrabite kinderporn wat die polisie ondersoek nie.
Jy kan relax, Schalla. Ontspan die kuite.
Ek sal jou en die res van Facebook dadelik inlig as hulle jou vind op enige beeldmateriaal..
Hannes en Amanda Vs 7 Terrabite Kinderporn.
So Hannes Lottering jy se self dat jy in besit is van 7 Terrabite Kinderporn en nerens het iemand ooit gese dat dit op jou foon was nie, jy het gese jy is in besit daarvan.
So nou gebruik jy jou Lieflike Amanda Schoeman alias `Adam Lourens` om vure namens jou dood te slaan omdat jy jou Pedofiel-brein probeer verdedig.
Dit moet eintlik lyk dat dit jy is wat dit geskryf het, sommer HARD EN DUIDELIK.
I LOVE YOU Mandy .......
E daar word ou lek-lek onder die bus in gebliksem deur sy eie Liefde.
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